As a leading pioneer company in its’ sector we promise to fulfill customer requests and demands in an open, transparent, rapid, reassuring and customer oriented way.

We consider customer requests and demands always with our sense of providing quality adn fast service. We work through every complaint from our customers and offer an objective and fast solution. We track and analyze the complaint until we run out all internal and external solutions and satisfy our customers and fulfill customer expectations with continous development.

We support the participation, sharing, creativity of all our stakeholders (Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Shareholders, Social and Legal Institutions) and provide environments for them to express and continously develop themselves.

While forming the policies and goals of the handling process of requests and demands we highly consider legal and legislative requirements and customer expectations.

In order to determine areas open for improvement and increase the productivity we regularly review customer complaint management processes and current sytems, report and continously develop activities and execute permanent solutions in our systems and processes.

Customer Satisfaction Policy